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Turkey seeks Ukraine peace talks despite Western actions, Erdogan says - Reuters.com
(Louisamata, 13. 11. 2022 0:48)
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Putin calls his actions in Ukraine 'correct and timely' - The Associated Press
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 21:38)
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Will Sanctions Against Russia End the War in Ukraine? - The New Yorker
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 18:25)
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More signs indicate Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be unraveling - CBS News
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 14:59)
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Ukraine war: US and Russian defence ministers discuss Ukraine in rare talks - BBC
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 11:43)
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US plans to buy 100,000 rounds of artillery ammo from South Korea for Ukraine - CNN
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 5:12)
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As Bombs Rained Down, Ukrainian Troops Set A Trap For Russia's Pilots - Forbes
(Louisamata, 12. 11. 2022 1:58)
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Ukraine's true detectives: the investigators closing in on Russian war criminals – podcast - The Guardian
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October 14, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Louisamata, 11. 11. 2022 16:10)
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October 13, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
(Louisamata, 11. 11. 2022 12:23)
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U.S. Sees Opportunity for Ukraine to Capitalize on Russian Weakness - The New York Times
(Louisamata, 11. 11. 2022 8:55)
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Ukraine Says Russian Troops Will Fight for Key City as Proxy Government Flees - The New York Times
(Louisamata, 11. 11. 2022 5:39)
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